Saturday, February 2, 2013

Who are you?

You are you. You are not someone else.  Someone else is someone else. You are you.

But why do we so often wish we had the attributes that other people possess.  Do you wish you could change something about yourself? Why?

It is now time to start to accept and love those parts that make  

What sets you apart from everyone else in this world?

What do you love about yourself?
What do you dislike?
I am trying to refrain from the word hate because there is so much hatred in this world that you should not hate yourself.

List five attributes that you love that set you apart from everyone! Go it! I mean right now...

Now that we got that out of the way.  It is good to look at yourself.  One of these days take the time to look in the mirror for 2 minutes.  Look at the way you smile, the way you frown, the way you laugh... So often we judge ourselves on the way we look. Many times I wish I was taller or was not as blind and did not have to wear my glasses.  But it is time to love those things about myself that make me, Patrick G. McGee and not someone else.

In this crazy business known as show, so much depends on appearance.  Sometimes we wait in line with 100 people that look so similar to the way we look, it freaks us out.  But it is time to stop, breathe, and remember that there is only one of you, and you bring something new and great to this role that no other person can bring to the role.  So just be yourself....and be true to what you want to offer this world and everything will work out in the end. At the end of the day, you are have to look at yourself in the mirror.

Laugh at yourself, love yourself, and if you are of age treat yourself to a beer because you deserve it.
After all there is only one you.
(As I write this I am treating myself to a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, because there is only one Patty G. McGee and that is reason enjoy to celebrate)


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