Sunday, July 13, 2014

Goals, Guts and Glory

Goal!!!!!! I am sure we have heard this word many times over the past few weeks with the World Cup! However, I think it is important to look at your goals and then reexamine the goals that we have set.  Let's think back to the beginning of the year where many people are feeling invigorated with New Year's Resolutions. 

What was one goal that you set for yourself that you accomplished?
What was one goal that you are still working towards?

It is important to remember that as artists we are constantly working towards our goal.   Some days may not feel like a victory, but those small victories that occur on a daily or weekly basis help to maintain your confidence and your career.  This business is about the marathon, not the sprint so making sure that you check in each mile marker is important. 

For myself, I set out to apply for grad school and I am happy to report I am officially in a Graduate Program in NYC.  For my other goal, I really wanted to book a commercial.  It did not happen, but I had a very successful callback for a commercial with a huge office in NYC and took a wonderful 3 week on camera commercial class. I will continue to follow up with thank you notes, postcards, and maybe even take another class in the Fall.  But the fact that I had that callback is a victory in itself. 

Being an artist takes guts! So first off, it is important to acknowledge this fact and be proud of the fact that you as an artist had the guts to do this.  But it is also takes guts to continue on your artistic path. 

What is something that you are too scared to do?
My challenge to you is to tap into your guts deep down inside of you that gave you the spark to pursue your passion in the first place and be fearless.  Do something that you haven't done because fear has been stopping you.  Maybe it is taking a voice lesson because you are afraid to sing, or go to the gym because you are afraid of what other people are thinking of you, or maybe you haven't auditioned in 6 months because it is just easier to not show up.  Pick something and go do it! Fearless artists will set this world on fire with their confident passion.

How many times have you had to answer this question? .......
When are you going to be on Broadway or is that film coming to theaters? You chuckle but we have all been there and if you have accomplished these things..... great and if not that is great as well! Your glory comes with knowing who you are as an artist and doing good work in the room.  That may be the stage, the set, or the audition room. Your glory may be the fact that you are doing your first professional gig in summer stock, or that dream role you have always wanted to tackle, or moving to a city that you always wanted to live in.  Don't forget that your glory comes every day with the sun in the morning so acknowledge the fact that you have accomplished so many things day in and day out even if it hasn't been Broadway..... YET!

As things continue to heat up this summer, raise the stakes on your goals and be the gutsy artist you want to be!

