Monday, May 5, 2014

The Perfect Power of Now

There is something simple in the present moment of now. This moment right in front of you.  These past few days I have been struck by the idea of this given moment and how beautifully powerful this can be if we allow ourselves to be in this one moment and no where else.  Like many things I have written about ......easier said than done right.

If you arrive at a restaurant before any one else what is the first thing you do once talking to the host? It probably would be pull out your phone and distract yourself while you wait.  In an age where we are connected socially through technology why must we distract ourselves from the reality and real moments in front of us? I am 100% guilty of this.

As actors, it is important to be present in the moment, but I think as a society we need to connect with the moment in front us rather than being concerned with our facebook followers, twitter comments, and Instagram pics.  I am not saying that these things are not useful, but what would happen if you cut back for one hour a week and made the effort to look up from the phone?

Maybe you might meet the love of your life.  Maybe you will have a conversation with a complete stranger that will spark that new film script or maybe you will see that sunset that inspires you to connect more with the world.  This is my challenge this time around. Put it down for one hour, look up and connect. I not only want to complete this challenge for myself but I need it.

In terms of your career, you will be more present in your work on stage and on screen, because you will truly understand how to capture the simplicity and power of that one moment.  That one moment with your co-star or that scene partner or that reader in the audition room. You will own it, because you have looked up and understand what it means to connect in the moment of now.

In terms of the long term goals, the  power of now is also extremely important.  How many times do you worry about the past mistakes in the audition room or how your future roles are going to come into fruition?  I know that I reflect and worry about all these things and more as an actor. However, I am going to try to get from one real moment to the next and see how my work becomes enriched.

I, you and me, we, only have the now .....So why not look up and enjoy it! We owe it to ourselves as people and artists to seize the moment but how can you seize it if you are not aware that it is even there!?


No ...might be not be what we want to hear but that one no may lead to the yes you need.

Own your moment.  It is your opportunity to shine.  Relish in each opportunity you get to show your voice and talents as an artist in the audition room, on stage, and on set. We actors don't always get this moment!

Winning is not always in the outcome. As actors, we always want to book that role.  So many factors go into the casting process. Winning is showing up fully prepared and present in the moment knowing that you are a professional artist with a unique voice for this role.

As we celebrate cinco de mayo, enjoy the guacamole and margarita while looking up at the moments. It's character research after all or at least that's how I am justifying it. ;) I am sure you will appreciate it much more than that newsfeed you have updated five times in a row.

Live for today, laugh always, and love this moment.

Patrick G. McGee
Actor - Writer - Teaching Artist - All Around Good Guy

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