Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A December to Remember

Have you had the panic attack that this is the last month of 2013?!  Ahhh...because I have, and at times, it can be overwhelming and other at times it can be invigorating.

With a new year coming, comes the Holiday shopping, Holiday parties, New Year's resolutions, and looking back at what the year offered.  Which combined together can sometimes lead to a major panic attack where I am lying on the couch watching episode after episode of Friends while finishing that Holiday pie and an occasional beer or glass of wine.

However, as this year comes winding down I challenge you to REMEMBER

Remember that you are an artist and that your voice is important in this artistic community now and in the future.

Remember that you have accomplished so much this year...while sometimes it may not feel like that big budget movie, that Broadway contract, or number one hit single, you as an artist have your own goals and successes on a daily basis and it is extremely necessary to personally acknowledge your own successes within your journey.

Remember to breathe.  What...when is there time? You are not alive if you don't breathe and if you don't allow yourself that sole moment to exist you cannot breathe life into your craft.

Remember to take that risk.  Sometimes I definitely fall short in this area.  But I challenge you to take a risk in these next few weeks of December rather than waiting to start in the New Year.  Life is too short to play the waiting game.  Get out there and jump and take that risk.  Connect with someone new, wear a crazy Holiday sweater if it makes you feel good, go to that audition you don't really want to go to and try something new, take that day trip you wanted to take all year....if you might fly..... and then it definitely will be a December to Remember!!!

As always Remember,

Live for Today, Laugh Often, and Love This Moment!

Patty G. McGee

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