Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Turn that Dreaded NO to KNOW

How many times have you heard the word no before?

I am sure that as a child we wanted everything and we encountered the word no from parent, teachers, aunts, uncles, friends etc.

When you hear this word, NO, where does this word resonate within you?

For me, it hits me right in the stomach.  When I was younger, I hated the word NO and tried to fight it so many times with temper tantrums, whining, and complete resistance.

However, what if sometimes in our lives, a NO in life allows us to see more clearly and KNOW exactly where we need to be.

As an actor, I think I have heard the word no 1.5 million times.  I cannot begin to list the many jobs or call backs I did not receive or contracts never given.  I would be lying if I said the word, NO, does not affect me.  As actors, we want it all but in all reality we cannot do it all.  Sometimes a NO gets us to really KNOW what we need and want in this business.

Have you ever really wanted something so bad but for whatever reason the universe just was yelling NO, in your direction? How did you react? How did you feel?

Most recently, I had signed on to do a role in an indie film with a good message and a lot of heart.  Wasn't going to make millions but felt confident about making this world a better place through this piece.  However, the director called and there are major scheduling changes and things would conflict with some things from my end.  Therefore, we reached the conclusion that it was best for me to not be a part of the film.  The universe basically said YES  at first and then a gust of wind blew in, and said NO and for the first time in a while that NO did not feel like a blow.  It helped me to know that there is something else that needs to be worked on or figured out in that time.  It was a very liberating feeling.  It helped me to get excited about the unknown future which can seem very daunting and scary.

When there is NO in your life.... breathe, listen, and then react.  Most likely you will KNOW that you are completely where you need to be.

This business is a crazy one and when this business gives you many, many No's (nose), stop and smell the flowers and KNOW yourself, your craft, and your artist.  Then the career need and want will grow.

 "Life never seems to be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can.  There is no  perfect life but we can fill it with perfect moments."


P.G. McGee

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're doing well--at peace and creatively juiced--PG! All the best!!
