Thursday, March 14, 2013


  1. A group of people living together in one place, esp. one practicing common ownership: "a community of nuns".
  2. All the people living in a particular area or place: "local communities".

So, I ran into an old friend who said she read my blog and enjoyed it! Who knew people read this thing?! So many thanks for all those people that actually read along.  It also sparked my interest to write a little bit more on this cold March day in New York City.   As I ran into someone I know, it struck me that I am part of a community.  I am part of community in Astoria, Queens at the moment, but as I continued to talk, I realized I was starting to have a real conversation about art, inspiration, and passion.  Like a lightning bolt, it struck me that I am part of a community of artists and that was a pretty cool and rad feeling.

What types of communities do you belong to?

As humans, we constantly interact with one another and form communities in different ways.  It may be defined by our jobs, our spiritual beliefs, our hobbies.  However, the strongest sense of being a part of a community is in the last part of the word.  UNITY...I think by surrounding yourself with common people, you gain a sense of belonging and contributing to a greater good in the world.  As an artist, I strive not only to support myself through my acting career but also inspire the world through my craft.  By having this sense of unity, you have a better chance to setting attainable goals, and a support system to accomplish those goals.

Goals are good right? And yes we sometimes do not accomplish all of our goals.  I am guilty of setting a goal and then not attacking it with the vigor and energy to attain said goal.  However, if you have the support system of a commUNITY then your attitude  energy and plan of attack are full of life and your able to accomplish your dreams and goals.

Who is apart of your community right now?
   Think of 5 people who are a part of your support system.  Now think of 3 ways you can reach out to your community in order to make your dreams more of a reality.

It may be having coffee to talk about a new book or new resume.  It may be having a movie night and then talking about the movie and intricacies of a certain actor's performance.  It may be playing a sport together.  All these help you feel like you belong.  Because you do belong.

Finally,  I met with a casting director one time that told me the most important thing an actor can do is really feel like you are part of a community.  At the time, it meant really nothing to me. I kind of shook my head like I understood and agreed.  I heard what she said but was not completely listening.   I was young, wanted to make money and just act.  Now, that idea totally resonates with me.

Reaching out is taking a risk that is quite frightening.  But don't we all need a little bit of an adrenaline rush every once in a while. If you have a good community around you, they will scream with you while you take a new plunge toward your goals.

Reach out for something new. Unite with those you trust. Hold onto your dreams.


Patrick G .McGee

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