Sunday, November 25, 2012

Being Present is the Real Present

Well the Holidays are upon us which means Cyber Monday deals, Black Friday brawls, loads of food, and festive parties.  With all of our gadgets, computers, and the internet, I find that we are constantly having to check our phones, or play with the iPad rather than really being engaged with what is around us.

How present are you in the day to day moments of your own life?

I have to admit that I may have an my phone.  Especially in New York City, I find myself constantly checking my phone for email, text messages, looking up things on the internet. I do it sometimes when I am out with friends and then there is the panic attack when I cannot find my phone.  "Please call my phone....oh no it is on vibrate, quiet, everyone quiet...." the buzzing happens and then every migrates to the next room.  "O, sorry it was in my bag..."  It happens to me on a weekly basis.  This onslaught of panic over my phone.  Why do I have such strong feelings over this inanimate object?

I understand the value in technology, especially the iPhone that I panic over.  While the advancement of technology has made our lives easier, I feel in some ways it has disconnected us from one another.  Instead of playing Mario Brothers in the same room together, now you have the ability to play in separate states.  Instead of playing board games and talking, people play Words with friends on Facebook   Instead of calling someone on their birthday we write a message on their Facebook wall.    How many times will you check your phone while you are with family over the Holidays?  Do all these advancements really connect us as human beings?

As an actor, it is extremely important to be present in the moment.  I think it is something that I am constantly attempting to get better at.  However, today, at one of my auditions, I felt really present in the moment and in the end, if I get the job or not, it does not matter.  I felt like a better actor.  I pride myself in the honesty and truth in my work as an actor, and I felt like I left that in the audition room. So many times actors phone in their scene work or monologue, and I am guilty of it at times.  You just go on autopilot.  However, human beings react to the people and  the environment around them.  Therefore, it is an actor's job to be present and respond to the people and environment created.

This Holiday season are you going to be on autopilot or truly present in your daily moments? I feel if you take the time to enjoy that snowfall rather than complaining about it, or smile at the person who cuts you off in line at the register  rather than yelling some four letter words,  you will have a better present than you can find at Best Buy or Walmart.  I could be wrong never know until you give it shot.

Enjoy the company of those who surround you this Holiday season, enjoy the food that people have prepared, and don't stress the small stuff because in the end, these are the things people, including yourself. will  remember for years to come.

Live for today, Laugh Often, Love this Moment


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